
April 7, 2022

Pregnancy Myths Busted

Pregnancy comes with its own set of questions and anxieties. Everybody has an answer which often conflict with each other and you are left with even more questions and no answers. When in doubt you should always consult your obstetrician because there are a number of myths floating around which can do more harm than good.

Here are a few common myths you should beware of.

Myth: Exercise is dangerous during pregnancy.

Truth: Unless your doctor advices you to avoid it, you should exercise moderately throughout your pregnancy if you have a normal pregnancy. Exercise keeps you body in shape and will make your delivery easier. Before you start any exercise regimen, check with your doctor and never overwork. Listen to your body and you will be fine.

Myth: You have to eat for two during pregnancy.

Truth: You will need a nutritious and healthy diet during your pregnancy and through the months of nursing your baby, but you should not double your intake of food. During pregnancy a woman requires an average of 300 extra calories, but this will vary from person to person. Your ideal intake will depend on your height, weight, activities and pregnancy stage. You should listen to your body and keep track of your changing weight, which will give you an indication of whether you are eating right.

Myth: Papayas and pineapples are bad for pregnancy.

Truth: Ripe papayas and pineapples when eaten in moderation are safe and healthy. You can safely eat them if you are used to the eating them. Avoid unripe papayas and pineapples. They contain substances that can lead to uterine contractions when eaten in large quantities. During pregnancy, be careful about trying foods you have never tried before.

Myth: Drinking saffron with milk will make your baby fairer.

Truth: Every characteristic and feature of the baby is defined by the genes inherited from the parents. This includes colour of your baby’s skin. Saffron or anything else cannot change it.

Here are some simple things you can do to ease your way through your pregnancy:

  • Always listen to your body
  • Be aware of sudden changes in how you feel
  • When in doubt always check with your doctor

Consult our expert for comprehensive pregnancy care from conception to delivery.


The first step towards a healthy life is to schedule an appointment by complete the request form.