
May 15, 2022

Antenatal Care to protect you and your baby during pregnancy

Good antenatal care is essential for the healthy growth of your baby. Our obstetricians will help you adopt healthy practices, identify warning signs that should never be ignored and provide ample support through the exciting and anxious moments of pregnancy till delivery. During your antenatal visits, you will learn about preventive healthcare, practices and habits that are essential to maintain your health and the health of your baby.

Preconception health screening

This screening is done before conception. It will help check your reproductive health and identify if you require any special corrective measures to ensure conception and healthy pregnancy. We will evaluate your lifestyle and provide lifestyle counselling to improve general health. The screening will include physical and gynaecological exams, blood test, ultrasound and genetic disorder screening, if required. The results will tell us if you have any condition that has to be treated before you get pregnant or if you have any condition that could make your pregnancy high risk requiring special care. It will also help identify if you have any genetic disorder that could be passed on to your baby.

Antenatal check-up

You should have your first antenatal check-up if your monthly period is delayed beyond 45 days. Once a viable pregnancy is established you will have regular monthly check-ups for the first 32 weeks. From 32 to 37 weeks, you will have a check-up every 2 to 3 weeks and then a check-up every week till delivery. The frequency of the check-ups will increase if there are complications.

The first antenatal check-up will include blood, urine and pap smear tests. Breast and pelvic examinations are done. You will also be tested for STDs and chronic diseases. You will have to undergo an Ultrasound scan to confirm the placement of the foetus and its age. The scan will also establish whether you have a single or multiple pregnancy and the placement of the placenta. Your pregnancy care will be planned based on the results of these tests.

During every subsequent check-up your health and your baby’s health and development will be monitored. You will be given micronutrients and required medicines to keep you healthy. Our obstetrician will advise you on the best and healthy practices to be followed to ensure a healthy pregnancy. You will be able to clarify your doubts and receive guidance to keep you comfortable during your term.

High risk pregnancy care

High risk pregnancies require special care and tests. If you have a family history of chromosomal defects or if you have had a child with a birth defect due to chromosomal problem, you will have to take additional tests such as amniocentesis or CVR. If required you may be given in-patient monitoring and treatment as needed.

Your health will influence your baby’s health for life. Our caring obstetricians will keep you in good health through your pregnancy. When it is time for your delivery, normal or ceasarian, we provide the best service to keep you comfortable through it. Our holistic service also includes excellent neo-natal care and lactation guidance and assistance.


The first step towards a healthy life is to schedule an appointment by complete the request form.