
September 10, 2022

Medical Horoscope- Why it is important

A medical horoscope gives you a picture of your health and pointers to future health issues that could develop. It is like a chart that helps to navigate towards a healthy life. So it goes without saying that it is also one of the important things that has to be reviewed before a wedding.
Most of us check our horoscope before we start anything new or important. We believe that it could predict our future and help us take steps to prevent problems and overcome obstacles.

A medical horoscope is something similar, but it is rooted in science and medicine. A check of your medical horoscope will enable you to take preventive action, and treatments to prevent or cure conditions that could cause problems in your married life. With timely action, you can prevent much future heartache and pain.

What does the medical horoscope cover?

A medical horoscope covers your important health milestones and events. You will have to take a few tests to determine your physical, mental, sexual and reproductive health. It can be used to determine if you are likely to face any health issues in the future, if you require any treatment or therapy to prevent development of diseases and disorders, and if you have any infections or conditions that require treatment. Marriage introduces most couples to sexual life and planning for a baby. These are influenced by the couple’s fertility potential and the medical horoscope focuses on these too. With a medical horoscope check ,you can address problems before they arise and enter into married life with peace of mind.

Pre-marital counselling will help evaluate pre-existing illnesses and treatments taken, both medical and surgical, and their impact on sexual, reproductive and general wellbeing.
Medical Horoscope comes with special diagnostic tests for men and women.
Medical horoscope for women will cover:
Medical history of all medical conditions including PCOD, Irregular periods, Thyroid problems.
Hereditary or chronic diseases which can impact general health.
History of previous pelvic surgeries including Ovarian, uterine cyst removal.
History of infections such as Tuberculosis and other infections that could affect the reproductive system.
Medical horoscope for men will cover:
History of certain childhood viral genital infections.
Hereditary or chronic diseases which can impact general health.
Lifestyle conditions.
History of previous surgeries including hernia.
Diagnostic test conducted will include
• Semen analysis
• Pelvic scan for women
• Blood test
• Infection screening

Checking your medical horoscope is a pre-marriage essential. It is similar to a pre-employment heath check-up. It will give you a clear picture of your health and the remedial measures you may have to take for a happy married life. The treatment may be as simple as a lifestyle modification or medicines, or could involve corrective procedures. If these are taken before you take the important step of matrimony, then you will be physically, mentally and psychologically healthy for the journey.
Contact us for a comprehensive medical horoscope check.


The first step towards a healthy life is to schedule an appointment by complete the request form.