
January 30, 2023

Self-care tips for pregnant women.

Selfcare Tips For Pregnancy Women

Self-care tips for pregnant women.

Pregnancy is a time when you are part of a miracle. It should be one happy and enjoyable ride, but in reality, it is a mixed bag. You will be elated when you discover that you are going to become a mom and you will also feel a little anxious about the journey to get there.
There will be days when you feel on top of the world, when everything is going your way and you are filled with energy to do your work. There will also be days when you discover new things; hear the heartbeat of your baby for the first time, feel your baby move for the first time or see your baby on a monitor. These are unbelievable moments.

Then there will be days when you feel drained, anxious and upset. You may experience great mood swings and be depressed. Your growing baby will make your body change in many ways and you may also experience soreness, pain and various discomforts. As long as they are natural parts of your pregnancy, you will have to tide over them, but with a little self-care you can ease those days and lift yourself up to restore emotional balance.

Self-care tips during pregnancy
‘Me first’
From the moment you discover you’re pregnant, the whole world becomes obsessed with your baby. This is fine, but once in a while you should shift the focus on to yourself. Focus on the baby’s welfare, but don’t lose yourself doing it. Take some time to pamper yourself. As long as it is healthy for you and your baby, it is not wrong to let your hair down and enjoy a little me time. This will lift your emotions and boost your self-confidence.

Eat healthy
The baby may be doing the growing, but your body is doing the heavy lifting. It is carrying on its functions while also nurturing a new life. So, give your body a little extra care. Get nutrition and diet advice from your doctor. Make your meals interesting and healthy. Your body will make sure to give the baby the most nutrition, so if you don’t eat well, your body will suffer and so will your mood. You don’t have to eat for two, but you have to eat enough to ensure you and your baby stay healthy.

Stay active
By now you will know that exercise is good for pregnancy and that it will ensure an easy delivery. These are not the only benefits. Exercise while it can keep you healthy, can also help to keep you happy. Even when you feel a little down, exercising will lift you up. When you exercise, your blood circulation is boosted. This will drive away your tiredness and give you more energy. This in turn will keep you in better spirits. You will feel good about yourself. Exercise will also help you sleep better. So make sure you fit in some form of exercise every day, but be sure to get the okay from your doctor before you start.

Take a break
Everybody needs a break from time to time. When you are pregnant and feeling low, a change from routine may be exactly what you need. Take a break to do something different and enjoyable. It may be a weekend getaway with your partner, some girl time with your friends, spa, beauty or retail therapy. Anything that can rejuvenate you in body and mind. Just be careful not to try something new, something you’ve not tried before, because an allergic reaction now can be dangerous. New experiments can wait till after your baby is born.

Identify your support system
It is always good to have a support system to lean on. There may be days when you don’t feel your best, when you have questions, doubts and fears and you wish to have someone to talk to. That is when you will need your support system. Your support people may be relatives or friends who are experienced mothers who have undergone your experience, just a friend who will listen to you vent or someone who will be able to lend a helping hand when you need. You will need all the physical and emotional support you can get and with a good support system, you will have someone to rely on always. Just be careful this support system is people you really know personally or belong s to a reliable source. Advice on social media from random people may sound good, but may be dangerous.

Listen to your body
Your body will be your best guide. Just listen to it. When your body needs rest, take it easy. When you feel really alive, get active. Just remember not to overexert your body just because you feel good. Be aware of the changes you feel and any time you feel something is wrong, don’t hesitate to consult your doctor.

We are here to help you through your pregnancy journey. Consult our expert for the best prenatal care to keep you and your baby in good health.



The first step towards a healthy life is to schedule an appointment by complete the request form.