
March 14, 2022

What are head and neck cancers?

Head and neck cancers are a group of cancers that affect organs in the head and neck, but brain, eye and thyroid cancers are not included in this group. Head and neck cancers include all cancers of the mouth and cancer of the salivary glands, nasal sinuses, nasal cavity, tonsils, throat, voice box, ears and lymph nodes.

Causes of head and neck cancers

Head and neck cancers are mostly caused by tobacco use and alcohol consumption, and sometimes due to human papillomavirus (HPV).

Oral and neck cancer symptoms

  • Persistent sore in the mouth or tongue
  • White/ red patch in the mouth, tongue
  • Persistent sore throat/ hoarseness
  • Swallowing, breathing, speaking difficulties
  • Swelling in the jaw, neck or side of the face
  • Frequent sinus infections
  • Persistent neck pain
  • Frequent headaches/ earache
  • Pain in the upper teeth
  • Bleeding in the nose or mouth/ blood in the saliva

If you have these symptoms, do not ignore them. A doctor consultation will help in early diagnosis and treatment. A physical exam, laboratory tests, endoscopy, X-ray, CT scan, MRI and biopsy are the diagnostic tests available to diagnose cancer. Your treatment plan will be based on the results of these tests.

Treatment options

Your treatment plan will depend on the type of cancer, its location, stage, your age and general health condition. Treatment options include:

Surgery to remove cancerous cells and surrounding tissue, and lymph nodes in the neck

Chemotherapy to kill cancer cells with anti-cancer drugs

Radiation to kill cancer cells using high-energy x-rays

You may need one or a combination of these treatments for best results.

Can you prevent head and neck cancers?

Head and neck cancers can be easily prevented. If you eliminate the cause of the cancer, you can prevent them.

Stop smoking and using tobacco

Around 85% of head and neck cancers are directly linked to tobacco use. If you stop using tobacco in any form, you will greatly reduce your risk.

Stop drinking alcohol

Reduce alcohol intake to reduce your risk of developing head and neck cancers. Alcohol is another leading cause of cancer.

Get vaccinated

HPV vaccine causes some cancers including mouth and throat cancer. Consult your doctor about getting HPV vaccine.

Head and neck cancers can be prevented. They can also be treated with good success if diagnosed early. Be aware of the symptoms, especially if you are in the high-risk group. Consult our oral and neck cancer specialist if you have any chronic problem or discomfort in the head and neck region. Trusted expertise, latest technology and advanced procedures are available under one roof.


The first step towards a healthy life is to schedule an appointment by complete the request form.