
September 25, 2022

PCOD – What you need to know

PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) is a condition that affects the ovaries. Women have two ovaries that release a single egg alternatively every month. The ovaries also secrete female reproductive hormones that control the entire reproductive cycle from ovulation to pregnancy and delivery, if egg is fertilized or from ovulation till monthly period if not fertilized. If you have PCOD, then the hormone balance is disrupted.

What happens in PCOD?

PCOD is a condition that is mainly caused by hormonal imbalance and genetics. It makes ovaries release many immature or partially mature eggs. These cannot be fertilized and become cysts. This condition enlarges the ovaries and makes them produce larger quantities of androgens or male sex hormones, which prevents ovaries from releasing mature eggs leading to lower fertility.

Does PCOD lead to infertility?

In most cases, PCOD does not cause infertility. Most women may able to get pregnant and deliver healthy babies with a little medical aid. Diagnosing the condition and taking corrective measures and treatment is the key to successful conception.

What are the symptoms of PCOD?

The common symptoms of PCOD are

  • Irregular periods
  • Weight gain in the abdomen
  • Male pattern hair loss
  • Excessive facial or body hair
  • Acne
  • Inability to get pregnant

How is PCOD treated?

PCOD is treated with medication and lifestyle modifications. As PCOD may lead to other diseases, you will need to have regular health check-ups to maintain good health.

The treatment plan will depend on the woman’s age.

Treatment for women from 12 to 21 years of age
The major problems women in this group face are delayed onset of puberty, absence of menstruation, irregular periods and abnormal or excessive bleeding. It is necessary to regulate periods and ovulation, and this is done through medication.

Treatment for women trying to get pregnant
Women with PCOD may need medical aid to regulate their ovulation. As their ovaries do not release mature eggs on time, they will face problems getting pregnant. Women in the reproductive age group trying to get pregnant will need treatment to produce good quality eggs. Treatment options include pills, injections, ovarian drilling and as a final option, Assisted Reproduction Techniques (ART).

Long term treatment plan to overcome complications
Women with PCOD have a higher risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, uterine cancer and obesity. They need regular monitoring. A yearly health check-up, medicines to manage the conditions and lifestyle modification are essential to maintain good health.

PCOD affects numerous women, but it is not a serious condition. With the right treatment, women with PCOD can lead a full and normal life. Consult our specialist if you have any of the symptoms. We can help you overcome them, manage your condition and live a healthy life.


The first step towards a healthy life is to schedule an appointment by complete the request form.